Master's in Early Childhood EducationA Master’s in Early Childhood Education prepares you for working with kids in the future. Most graduates work in elementary schools and for pre-school programs, but others work as specialists for nonprofit organizations that work with children. Other jobs available within this field include program directors, teachers and grant writers. While some graduates work in public schools, others work for charter and private schools. You can get your degree in this field, but you need to find the right school first.

Choose a Program and School

Choosing the right school and the right program is one of the most important steps you need to take before applying to a school. One of the first decisions you should make is between a thesis program and a non-thesis program. A thesis program gives you the chance to work with kids and write a large paper or complete research as you study in the program. A non-thesis program requires more research and coursework, and you might find that you spend less time working with kids. According to an article in Fox Business, it is recommended that you listen to what other students say about the program, research the rankings of the school and look at the overall cost of each program before making your final decision.

Take the GRE

Before you can apply for any Master’s in Early Childhood Education program, you must take the GRE. This is a standardized test that is similar to the GMAT or the LSAT, but students take the GRE when applying for admission to a liberal arts school. The exam tests your knowledge on match, science, deductive reasoning and various other topics, and you might find it helpful to take a test prep course before taking the test. When you register for the test, you can request that several schools receive copies of your score. If you aren’t happy with your finished score, you can retake the test in the future.

Related Resource: Specialize a Master’s In Education Degree

Apply for Admissions

After taking the GRE and finding a few schools that interest you, you can apply for admissions. Request a copy of the admissions packet from the school and complete any of the necessary steps. Most schools require that you submit three letters of recommendation from teachers and people you worked with during your undergraduate years. Other schools will ask for at least one reference letter from a peer, close friend or loved one. You’ll also need to complete an essay component, which typically asks you a question about why you want to get a Master’s in Early Childhood Education and how you will use your degree in the future. The school will notify you when it receives your application fee, letters of recommendation and any other paperwork required. Some schools will let you know if you qualify for admissions within six weeks, while others will take several months to get back to you.

Obtaining a graduate degree can help you gain more experience that will help you land a job in the education field. Many private and charter schools require an advanced degree for its teachers, and other jobs require a combination of a graduate degree and experience in the field. Getting your Master’s in Early Childhood Education just might help you find the job of your dreams and wow those employers looking for applicants with a high level of education.

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