With the increasing reliance on distance learning by non-traditional students, the demand for online instructors has grown larger than ever before. Many undergraduate and graduate degrees can be completed entirely online through reputable and accredited universities, and instructors are needed to oversee these classes. Organization like Higher Education Jobs demonstrates how the need for instructors have increased,Becoming an online instructor does require some preparation, but the return for any time or financial investment can be substantial.

Obtaining the Correct Credentials

Obtaining a graduate level degree is an important step in securing an online teaching job. While there are some schools that will accept undergraduate degrees or technical certifications, most accredited schools will require a minimum of a Master’s or equivalent degree which includes 18 semester hours in the desired subject area. The more expertise and credentials in a field of study that a candidate can provide, the more appealing that candidate will be to the online school.

Additionally, online courses aimed at K-12 normally require a state issued teaching certificate. Those interested in pursuing online teaching jobs can contact their local board of education for options on certification or other requirements. Many states are willing to work with candidates who have advanced degrees and experience in other fields in lieu of requiring completion of a full certification program. Although some requirements can change based on the school or the location, it is wise to expect these requirements.

Using Technology

Familiarizing oneself with online learning technology is a key component of securing online teaching jobs. An appealing candidate should be familiar with email, web cameras, voice chatting, online forums, and other forms of communication. Knowing how to use word processors and presentation software will also aid in these efforts. Candidates might also consider bookmarking helpful resources like websites and videos that can be referenced in interviews and used for classes.

Documentation for an Appealing Candidate

Those interested in securing online teaching jobs must also prepare an extension resume as well as a curriculum vitae or an academic resume. The resume should include any technical skills and accomplishments obtained as well as a comprehensive and relevant work history. The C.V. should include contact information, academic and professional credentials, research, presentations, and publications of academic note, as well as any special information that will be relevant to the job.

Job Hunting

The next part of the process is searching for jobs. Most universities and colleges advertise to fill vacant positions as they arise, but it is often more beneficial to send in information prior to any openings so that the school is aware of a candidate’s interest. When a job of interest does become available, make sure to follow all directions and include all required information in the application packet. Be sure to also include a separate list of professional references even if the application provides space for that information.

Online Teaching

Keep in mind that most online instructors start out as adjunct teachers, or teachers who work online part time. Some instructors are fortunate enough to move into a full teaching position once they have proven their capabilities. The important thing for candidates to remember is to do everything possible to demonstrate knowledge and expertise. By following those guidelines, a candidate will find an appropriate online teaching job.

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