Have you always dreamed of becoming a teacher? Does the idea of fostering the development of school-aged children sound like a rewarding responsibility? If you are in the process of researching schools offering teacher preparation programs, it is important to take your time so that you can make an informed decision before you submit your application for admissions. There are plenty types of accreditation that colleges can apply for is their preparatory programs meet specific requirements. One accreditation that is related to teacher preparation programs is the NCATE performance-based system of accreditation for programs designed to prepare students for a teaching certificate. As you sift through all of the colleges and universities in your area, understand why it is in your best interest to choose a school that is NCATE accredited.

Why is it Beneficial to Choose an NCATE Accredited School of Education?

An NCATE accreditation, which stands for the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, applies to 4-year colleges and universities that offer teacher education programs across the nation. All colleges with the accreditation must meet very strict standards and pass external and impartial reviews of the policies and curriculum. All of the reviews are designed to ensure that students enrolled in the program are well-prepared for the licensing exam and board certifications. The thorough assessment that colleges must undergo will improve a student’s chances of passing licensure exams showing that they are ready to teach.

What Standards Must Colleges with NCATE Accreditation Meet?

There are more than 700 NCATE accredited schools in the nation, and each of these schools have met the broad umbrella of specific standards set by the body. These broad standards are designed to prepare all early childhood education professionals, and there are also more specific specialty standards that are set by the NAEYC. Schools that are NCATE Accredited must meet the following 5 standards for professional development in a school of education program:

* Program must promote child development and continued learning
* Program must prepare students to become a professional
* Program must emphasize the importance of building familial and community relationships
* Coverage on observing and assessing young children
* Focus on teaching and learning

If the program has a vision that is based on professional values and there is relevant evidence that the program meets the standards, it can apply for accreditation.

Stand Out in a Crowd

With more and more students graduating in the field of education, it is important to stand out in a crowd of other graduates. One way to stand out is to graduate from an NCATE program. School recruiters who see this on your resume will know that you are well-prepared and it will be easier to find a permanent teaching position.

If you want to apply to a program that has met national standards and stricter standards as well, choosing an NCATE accredited school of education is in your best interest. Choose a school that has taken the time to apply for, qualify for, and keep the NCATE accreditation, and that seal of approval will help ensure that you get the best education possible and you can find the best teaching opportunities.

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