Education InternshipsThere are as many types of internships available in education as there are educational specialties. Internships are essentially supervised learning experiences that allow potential professionals opportunities to practice their knowledge and skills in actual workplace settings. Educational internships should not be confused with student teaching, which is a specific requirement associated with earning a degree. For example, unlike student teaching, educational internships can be volunteer experiences, are often unpaid and don’t always earn credit. Additionally, educational internships are available to a wider range of applicants from high school students exploring career options to professionals seeking a better understanding of issues that affect students in the classroom.

Types of Educational Internships

The types of internships available in education include those in traditional school settings as well as those in related placements. Participants gain understanding of how educational programs operate, how students learn and the economic, social, and political factors that affect academic development. The internship placement usually depends on the intern’s area of interest or focus of study if they are teaching majors. Internships include participation in such diverse educational areas as:

  • Educational law and policy development
  • Technology and data management
  • Curricular research and classroom application
  • Adult, vocational or school-to-work transition programs
  • After-school or support education
  • Community programs for exceptional students
  • Multicultural, minority and bilingual learners
  • Literacy development in reading and math
  • Library science
  • Leadership training and continuing education programs for educators
  • School safety programs
  • Educational counseling
  • Financial aid and family support programs
  • School lunch and health programs

Types of Educational Internship Sponsors

Sponsors for educational internships come from public and private schools, institutions of higher learning, counseling centers, community groups, healthcare organizations, local businesses, non-profit groups, the justice system and various local, state, federal and international agencies. Post-secondary institutions usually set up cooperative partnerships with area businesses, schools and governments to provide internship opportunities to qualified participants. Non-profit sponsors of educational internships include those from urban areas who wish to encourage promising students from disadvantaged backgrounds to finish their education and pursue teaching careers, such as Breakthrough Collaborative. There are even educational internships for those who wish to teach abroad.

Internships Specifically for Education Majors

Degree programs set up specific opportunities for education majors to participate in internships. These are often completed in the summer months when students may have no other class obligations. Internships are often geared towards special student populations or fields of study. Applicants must fill out appropriate paperwork, have faculty recommendations and complete any required foundational coursework satisfactorily prior to acceptance in an internship program. Placements for internships designed specifically for education majors include those at:

  • Professional organizations like the National Education Foundation
  • Educational development corporations such as Pearson Education programs
  • Subject specific groups like the NASA Pre-Service Teachers Institute
  • Non-profits like Americorp or World Teach
  • Local Boys and Girls Clubs
  • Regional or national museums or technology foundations
  • Summer recreational or theater camps

Related Resource: International Education Jobs

As part of teacher preparation programs, internships are valuable tools for imparting practical knowledge and application of skills in diverse educational settings. Fortunately, future teaching professionals can choose among several types of internships available in education to help prepare them for careers that will make a difference.

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