Private SchoolAfter finishing a degree in education, students have the option of working in private or public schools, and many want to know more about the certifications needed to teach in a private school. Private schools often pay teachers more than public schools do, but these schools also want professional teachers with more experience. Whether you want to teach in a public or private setting, you’ll generally need a college degree and a certificate from the National Board.

College Degree

The bare minimum requirement for teaching in a private school is a college degree. You generally need a bachelor’s degree in education and show that you have some student teaching experience. Most college programs require that students complete two or more of these experiences before graduating. Your first experience requires that you sit in the back of the classroom and observe a teacher at work. You’ll then have the chance to teach one or more classes yourself. Completing your student teaching experiences at the same private school where you want to teach or a similar school in the same district may help you land a job in a private school after you graduate.

National Board Certification

According to Teach, one of the main certifications needed to teach in a private school is certification from the National Board. The National Board offers different types of certificates for teachers who specialize in different fields, including math and science, and for teachers working with students of different ages, including high school and elementary school. Those applying for National Board certification must have a minimum of a college degree and several years of experience. Those who get certification from this organization often earn more than those who only have a state teaching license.

State License

Though not all schools require that teachers have a license, you’ll need a license to teach at any public school and at many private schools. The Department of Education in each state is responsible for determining what teachers must do to get a license, and some states require that you have National Board certification first. You will also need to pass a criminal background check. Most states require that you submit your fingerprints to a local branch of law enforcement. Any serious crimes or felonies that appear on your record can disqualify you and lead to you not getting your license.

Special Programs

Some states offer special programs that allow those without a teaching or education degree to gain work in the field. Instead of requiring that you obtain the different certifications needed to teach in a private school, the Department of Education in the state only looks at whether you have a bachelor’s degree and can pass a background check. You then have the chance to work as a teacher for a period of three to five years or more as you work on earning a teaching degree. The state may require that you meet other minimum requirements before you go to work in a local school.

Related Resource: Adult Education

Working as a teacher is a rewarding career, but you may decide that working in a private school is a more rewarding career. Before you can go to work, you need to look at the certifications needed to teach in a private school, which may include a college degree, National Board certification and/or a teaching license.

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