Many attempts are being made to improve the quality of American students, including the Common Core State Standards Initiative. America was once the world leader in educating its citizens. It currently ranks 17th. Students reach college without adequate skills in writing and without a math foundation. The education system may be failing American students.

What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative?

The concept of a universal learning system for all students is attractive. The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an attempt to standardize the expected learning outcome for American students from kindergarten through the twelfth grade. It addresses key skills in mathematics and English language arts that impact other areas of study and prepare students for college or careers. The skills selected are relevant to today’s young people. Four states have not adopted the initiative: Texas, Alaska, Nebraska, and Virginia. Indiana endorsed them at first, but has withdrawn its support for the initiative.

What Do the Mathematics Standards Look Like?

Early childhood settings would concentrate on number (counting and operations like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) and on geometry (spatial relations and measurements). Kindergarten students, for instance, would be expected to know numbers and counting sequence, whether they begin at one or another given number. They would master the concept of “greater than” and “less than,” and be able to write the numbers from one to twenty. The middle school students should understand ratios, and use ratio logic to solve problems. They should also know what “rate” is and be able to use the two systems to problem solve. Under the initiative, high school students would be able to use algebraic concepts, modeling, statistics, number function and the real and complex number systems to solve real-world problems.

What are the Standards for English Language Arts?

These standards are intended to equip students for higher education or career through reading, writing and communication skills. The kindergarten skills include the ability to retell stories read to them, identify characters and settings and even create short narratives using drawing and dictation as well as actual writing. The children are expected to know the alphabet before entering kindergarten. Middle school English standards involve reasoning and ability to cite resources. The students should be able to identify theme in text and understand how it was developed. By high school, standards include the ability to argue or defend a position using textural proof. Students would also be able to use precise language and understand and use formal writing style.

What are the Pros of the Common Core State Standards Initiative?

One of the most enticing aspects of the initiative is that it is internationally bench-marked. That means our standards are similar to those of other countries. Our world standing should improve under the initiative. Another favorable aspect is that it would enable states to compare standard test scores accurately, without the cost of developing, implementing and evaluating their own testing programs. According to “,” opponents say the standards are vague, and don’t include equivalency tests for special needs students. The standards require extreme adjustment and many seasoned teachers might resign rather than learn new concepts.

America must improve the quality of the education it affords its children. Perhaps the answer is the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

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