What is the average education MBA salary? That is a question that a lot of teachers have after they get their degree. The answer to the question depends on what grade level you teach, where you teach and how much experience you have in the field. Let’s take a look at what you can expect to make if you have your graduate degree.

What’s Your Job Description?

There are many different jobs that you can have after you get your graduate degree. For example, a teacher is going to make far less than an administrator. It is also possible to use your education degree outside of the classroom. Many corporations will hire those with an education background to run training classes or act as consultants.

Where Are You Located?

Your salary is going to be determined in part by where you teach. A teacher in Illinois with a graduate degree can expect to make $64,000 on average. However, a teacher in Montana may only make$47,000 on average. In addition, you have to consider the specific school district where you are teaching. A rural school district or a district that doesn’t receive as much funding may not have the money to pay a salary in line with what the market will bear.

How Long Have You Been Teaching For?

While teachers may average over $64,000 in Illinois, they will only make $34,000 when they first start out. Teachers who have been teaching for decades could make much more than the $64,000 a year. While this may seem discouraging to those who want to make a lot of money right away, teachers who have their graduate degree will get a pay raise in a hurry. In fact, younger teachers who don’t yet have their graduate degree are often times more attractive because a district can save money and mold the teacher as he or she develops.

What About a Special Education Certification?

Teachers who have a graduate degree in special education could make more than the typical education MBA salary. This is because teachers who can deal with special education students are offering a valuable service in an era where government standards are getting higher all the time. In addition, special education students are being integrated with the rest of the students in their school. Therefore, there needs to be a teacher who can give extra attention to the kids who need more help.

School Counselors Play a Vital Role

School counselors need to get their graduate degree to find work in an American school. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), counselors make $56,000 on average. This is on par with what an education MBA salary would be.

If you are thinking about getting your graduate degree, you need to consider your job title, experience level and where you are teaching when you think about your salary potential. In general, teachers who have extra certifications, a lot of experience and work in states such as Illinois or New York make a higher than average education MBA salary.

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