Are you interested in earning a Master’s degree that will help you advance in the field of education? If you currently possess your Bachelor’s in Education, now is the time to start comparing graduate degree programs that are available through accredited institutions and recognized by big name employers. If you want a Master’s in Education, you might be wondering about the degree program requirements and what you will need to submit with your application for admissions. Most Master degree programs in Education are high in demand, making the admissions process a very competitive one. This is why it is essential for undergraduates who truly want to earn their degree to gather everything that is required before the application deadline is up. Here is your straightforward guide to Master’s Programs Application Materials so that you know what to expect.

Completing the Graduate School Application for Admissions

If you are applying for graduate school admissions, you must fill out the Graduate School Application for Admission form. When you are selecting a program, you will find that a majority of universities, both online and traditional, give students access to an on-line application system to make submissions much easier and more convenient. You must fill out the application in its entirety, including information on your undergraduate school career, the degree you are seeking, and your current income. If you are changing your major and seeking a new post-baccalaureate degree, you must get approval from the program adviser first. All students and prospective students must apply for graduate school admissions and be accepted into the program of interest before enrolling in any classes.

What Do You Need to Submit With Your Application?

The document requirements will vary from school to school, but must schools will have similar material requirements. Be sure to review the material requirements on the application before you submit your application to prevent any processing or acceptance delays. The most common document and material requirements for Masters programs in Education are:

  •  Official transcripts that covers all college work at other schools. These transcripts should be sent directly to the Admissions Department of the school.
  •  A Personal Data Sheet detailing your professional experience.
  • Letters of Recommendation that attest to your work experience in Education, your academic history, and your potential as a student. It is best to have letters from prior professors and supervisors or colleagues who have authority over you in the work environment.
  • A Statement of Purpose that you have written to summarize your goals.
  • Graduate Record Examination scores must be on file with the school for all students. Take this exam before submitted your application. Scores will be accepted if test was taken within the past 5 years.
  • Letter of intent if you are interested in applying for any type of grant funding.

A Masters degree is actually a requirement for some teaching positions. If you are interested in earning an advanced degree to advance your career and your salary, it is time to start reviewing the Master degree programs available to you. Professionals with a Master’s degree earn about $400,000 more in their lifetime than those without a Bachelor’s. Invest the time in education, and a career in education will earn you a sizable living.

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