School PsychologistWhether you majored in psychology as an undergraduate student or have just found a new passion, the types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in School Psychology are often more exciting and pay more than the types of jobs that you can get with just a bachelor’s degree. For instance, you could become a school psychologist, school counselor or high school psychology teacher.

School Psychologist

Out of all the types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in School Psychology that are available, this is probably the most popular one. You’ll have to get properly licensed with your state, but you’ll be qualified to be a psychologist for elementary, middle school and high school students with your degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, clinical, counseling and school psychologists make an average salary of $67,650 per year. As a school psychologist, you’ll work with students that have behavioral, learning or development issues. After talking to the child and his or her parents and teachers, you’ll come up with a plan to help the child and will be in charge of implementing and evaluating the plan. Some school psychologists also work with other professionals within the school system in order to improve strategies used within the classroom.

School Counselor

When most people think of the types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in School Psychology that they can get, they only think of psychology jobs, but they may also qualify for some types of counseling careers. For instance, you could become a school counselor. Most professionals in this field make an average annual salary of $53,610. You can work in either a public school or private school setting, and your duties will depend on which age group you want to work with. Elementary and middle school counselors usually deal with a lot of emotional, social and developmental issues along with the normal academic ones, but high school counselors usually focus more on helping students prepare for the future by giving them information on different college and career options. No matter which age group you decide to work with, you’ll have plenty of variety. By working with students, parents and teachers, you’ll be able to help your students work through any areas that they’re struggling in.

High School Psychology Teacher

Of all the types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in School Psychology that you can get, you may find that becoming a teacher would be the most rewarding. As a high school psychology teacher, you’d get to work with all sorts of students with different goals and aspirations. Because most schools offer psychology as an elective instead of a required course, most of your students will actually find the subject interesting, and it’s always more fun to teach students that want to learn. The median pay for high school teachers is $55,050 per year, and teachers with master’s degrees often get paid more. Since you’ll be on the same schedule as your students, you’ll also have plenty of days off.

Related Resource: Become a School Psychologist

Getting your master’s degree can qualify you for a lot of rewarding careers. There are many types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in School Psychology that you can pick from, so make sure to choose carefully.

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