Science EducationBefore completing your college degree, you should look at the types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in Science Education that are available to you after graduation. Looking at the types of jobs available to you can help you decide if you want to specialize in science education or another type of education.

College Science Professor

According to Forbes, the median salary reported by those with a Master’s in Education is under $63,000 a year. Though you can work as a college science professor after graduation, you’ll likely find that your options are limited. Most public and private colleges only hire full-time professors with a doctoral degree, and you typically cannot enter the tenure track unless you complete a higher degree. You can work as a science professor at a community college or work as an adjunct or part-time professor at a four-year college.

Other Teaching Jobs

Many of the different types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in Science Education are teaching positions. If the idea of working as a college professor doesn’t excite you, you might consider working with younger students. Your degree qualifies you to work as a science teacher in an elementary school, middle school or high school. Some students even work as tutors. They agree to work with students struggling with science topics, and by charging an hourly fee, they can sometimes make more than they would as a full-time teacher.

Educational Consultant

Educational consultants take on a number of tasks. When a school finds itself struggling with budget and curriculum issues, they call on experts for help. With your master’s degree, you can seek work at a consulting firm. Those experts come in and examine all areas of the school. They look at how the school operates, the involvement of parents, the organizations and programs open to students and even the textbooks and supplies used in the classroom. You’ll come up with new programs for the science department, create fundraising opportunities to raise money for the school and suggest ways to get parents more involved in their children’s lives.

Related Resource: Master’s in Education in Mathematics Jobs

Product Developer

Product development is one of the more popular types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in Science Education open to recent graduates. Companies need workers with experience in all types of science and all levels of development. These companies create fun projects that kids and their parents can do at home, and they find ways to create new products that teachers can use in the classroom. As a product developer, you’ll look at ways to make learning more fun and how to get kids more excited about science, nature and similar topics.

It can take two years or longer to complete a master’s degree after finishing your undergraduate degree. Before entering your graduate program, you want to get some idea of what you can expect in the future, including the types of jobs with a Master’s in Education in Science Education that are open to students with the same level of education and experience as you.

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