eduIf you are currently a teacher or you are in the process of becoming one, you may be wondering if you should add the elusive Master’s degree to your list of goals. A Master’s degree in Education is an advanced degree that will earn teaching professionals the respect that they deserve from their students and their peers. Not only will you gain respect, you will develop as a professional and build upon your memory bank of knowledge as you complete the core curriculum and the program requirements. While some critics claim that a Master’s degree is not necessary in most fields, in the field of teaching it is invaluable. Read on and learn why you should take to earn this sign of prestige.

Become a Specialist in the Field of Teaching

Many candidates can find a teaching job with a Bachelor’s degree, but if you want to pursue a diverse career path you may need a Master’s in Education. There are several different positions in elementary school, middle school, high school and post-secondary schools that require professionals to have a specialized knowledge that is not taught at an undergraduate level. While some of the courses you take to earn a Master’s will be required as continuing education for your teaching credentials, other classes are for declared specialties that will open doors to new positions for you.

Competing for Open Positions

Government funding is a common problem when you teach in the public sector. Because funding is limited, the demand for new teachers in a district is not always high. If you want many different job opportunities, possessing a Master’s in Education can help you find work as a member of the administration. You could become a counselor, a board member, or even a principal with the prestigious degree that is more than just a certificate.

Higher Salaries for Advanced Degree Holders

You might be wondering how much you can earn with a Master’s degree in Education, and the answer to this question alone could be enough to persuade you to apply to a graduate school. The average salary for professionals with a graduate degree in education varies significantly based on the position. The pay for professionals in the field of teaching is based off of years of service, experience, degree, and grade level taught. Studies show that teachers with a Master’s degree instead of a Bachelor’s will receive, on average, 1.564 times the starting salary. Going beyond a Master’s and earning 30 more credits bumps the salary up 2.424 times the starting salary.

Learning How to Motivate

Teaching is not only about instilling knowledge in your students, it is also about learning how to organize people and motivate people around you. If you complete a Master’s in Education, you will learn about the system and administration so that you can meet your goals while you help others achieve theirs. You will also learn how to become a better leader in the classroom and outside of the classroom.

There are plenty of reasons why to pursue a Master’s in Education. Not only can you advance your career with the advanced degree, you can also increase your lifetime earning power and grow in your professional and personal life as well. Choose a reputable accredited program, and move forward in the field.

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